Discover the healing power that’s always available to you through your own healing hands. Learn simple practices that will help you release stress, react less, feel centered, harness energy, sleep better, and even improve digestion and help balance hormones!
Discover the healing power that’s always available to you through your own healing hands.
- Learn simple practices that will help you release stress, react less, feel centered, balance energy, sleep better, and even improve digestion!
- Explore additional ways to support restoration and rejuvenation now to create a strong foundation for the rest of the year!
- Other dynamic energetic tools and inquiry practices will be woven into this workshop so you can be curious and receive the benefits.
That is what you'll find and experience in this workshop.
It's often not about the knowledge, it's about putting it into practice.
And a community of wise women always invites more ease and fun.
Investment in your self-care: $44
SATURDAY, Jan 18th
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM EST
SATURDAY, Jan 18th
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM EST
When I was in the first years of mothering three young children through birth and adoption, I was so focused on caring for my children. I was diving deep trying to to understanding trauma and how it lived in the body, studying yoga, feeling overwhelmed, undernourished and like every part of my health and self was shifting and I was losing myself.
It was a challenging time of transition.
Then, my yoga teacher, Poonam Gupta, invited me to experiment with a simple, yet powerful Ayurvedic practice-- Abhyanga or self-massage with oil.
It radically changed me and now more than 10 years later I continue this daily practice. Some days it's about a 3 minute practice, and others I create a little more time and space. It wasn't an overnight miracle, though. It was a slow and steady way of building this ritual into my daily routine through practice and awareness.
This workshop is an opportunity to begin and experiment. Massaging your own body from head to with warm oil is such a powerful expression of self-care and self-love.
Yet it really feels beyond what we typically think of when we here "self-care" in our culture. can be a way back to our bodies can be the invitation to loving kindness can also be a nourishing practice in winter to help soothe skin, body aches and joint pain. can help support us in setting boudaries as we explore where we end (our skin) and the rest of the world begins.
We are made up of the elements of space, air, fire, water and earth. Abhyanga offers a deep feeling of stability and warmth like big mama earth wrapping her arms around you!
Ayurvedically speaking, this practice can balance "vata" (air/ether) dosha, and go beyond moisturizing the skin to bringing nourishment deep into our nervous system and tissues. If you experience dryness, fatigue, spaciness/brain fog, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, body aches, overwhelm, or even headaches, then this workshop may is for you!
Or, perhaps you're just looking to create a little space for you and nourish yourself in a community of wise woman who desire the same. I believe this is one small way we can create a different culture around how we tend to the whole of ourselves and model something different for our children.
When I was in the first years of mothering three young children through birth and adoption, I was so focused on caring for my children. I was diving deep trying to to understanding trauma and how it lived in the body, studying yoga, feeling overwhelmed, undernourished and like every part of my health and self was shifting and I was losing myself.
It was a challenging time of transition.
Then, my yoga teacher, Poonam Gupta, invited me to experiment with a simple, yet powerful Ayurvedic practice-- Abhyanga or self-massage with oil.
It radically changed me and now more than 10 years later I continue this daily practice. Some days it's about a 3 minute practice, and others I create a little more time and space. It wasn't an overnight miracle, though. It was a slow and steady way of building this ritual into my daily routine through practice and awareness.
This workshop is an opportunity to begin and experiment. Massaging your own body from head to with warm oil is such a powerful expression of self-care and self-love.
Yet it really feels beyond what we typically think of when we here "self-care" in our culture. can be a way back to our bodies can be the invitation to loving kindness can also be a nourishing practice in winter to help soothe skin, body aches and joint pain. can help support us in setting boudaries as we explore where we end (our skin) and the rest of the world begins.
We are made up of the elements of space, air, fire, water and earth. Abhyanga offers a deep feeling of stability and warmth like big mama earth wrapping her arms around you!
Ayurvedically speaking, this practice can balance "vata" (air/ether) dosha, and go beyond moisturizing the skin to bringing nourishment deep into our nervous system and tissues. If you experience dryness, fatigue, spaciness/brain fog, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, body aches, overwhelm, or even headaches, then this workshop may is for you!
Or, perhaps you're just looking to create a little space for you and nourish yourself in a community of wise woman who desire the same. I believe this is one small way we can create a different culture around how we tend to the whole of ourselves and model something different for our children.
Investment in your self-care: $44
SATURDAY, Jan 18th
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM EST
SATURDAY, Jan 18th
8:30 AM - 9:45 AM EST