"How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you? A place for you to go...a place of women, to help you learn the ways of woman...a place where you were nurtured from an ancient flow sustaining you and steadying you as you sought to become yourself. A place of women to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself ...waiting to be released.
How might your life be different?" --Judith Duerk, author of "Circle of Stones" |
ONLINE WORKSHOP: The Art of Self-Massage
Discover the healing power that’s always available to you through your own healing hands. Learn simple practices that will help you release stress, react less, feel centered, harness energy, sleep better, and even improve digestion and help balance hormones! This is both a stand alone workshop and part of a January series for those in Reclaiming Center--Winter Yin Rejuvenation. |
FREE ONLINE CLASS for Mothering through Adoption
Join Michelle Kenefick and Karla for a conversation that centers the journey of the adoptive mother as a way of weaving threads of connection personally and culturally. Our lived experience as adoptive moms tells us that adoption is multi-dimensional, with much of it remaining unnamed. We've created a space where we are committed to exploring not just the universality of motherhood, but also the unique complexities of adoption. We want to introduce you to this space and invite your own wisdom and experience into a circle we’ll be offering in February. |
Circle Wisdom for Mothering through Adoption
I'm thrilled to be co-facilitating a new MotherCircle with my colleague Michelle Kenefick, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.. This is a dynamic 8-week curriculum-based gathering. MotherCircle supports women to understand the unseen arc of their motherhood journey, come out of confusion and into greater clarity, and share wisdom within a supportive community. This particular circle also invites the opportunity to explore the unique complexities of mothering children they did not birth–adoption, kinship, blended families, etc. |
Discover the arc of your motherhood journey
Women circling is the oldest code and in an 8-session MotherCircle you can gain clarity, metabolize experiences, and distill wisdom within a supportive community. This is for all mothers in all seasons and stages of life with kids of all ages. If you have ever had a pregnancy, experienced loss, mothered in any way or you work with mothers you are welcome here. This is part of the world I want to leave behind for my daughters and future generations. Together, we build Mother Culture. |
1 -on-1 Ayurvedic Wellness & Holistic Coaching
Nourish yourself with time-tested wisdom and practices of Ayurveda that guide you back to your own true nature and intuition. You are one of a kind, so there is no one-size-fits-all. We explore your unique elemental design to help you know yourself better, and look at ways this ancient wisdom and nature's rhythm can support your health, mind, emotions, female body, nervous system, and hormones as you journey through all of life's thresholds as a woman, mother and human. |
Replenish in the Pause
Pause with me in workshop settings to rest, move, breathe and BE. Experiment with somatic practices and Ayurvedic self-care that connects to cycles and seasons. Nourish yourself in a gentle yet fierce community of women, remember your inherent wholeness and connect to intuition. This is an embodied wisdom practice and we set the intention to feel replenished and live into what it's like when a deep thirst has been quenched and we have prioritized rest as a resource. |